Thursday 10 March 2011

Textual Analysis - Double Page Spread

Q Magazine: The double page spread is much like the contents page and front cover, with limited colours it is simplistic and classy and again does not overwhelm us with information. The image shows that of The Black Eyed Peas but where William is the prominent image the other are faded out, showing that William is going to be the main focus of the article but the other might be mentioned occasionally, they background behind the image is plain which makes us focus on the main image. The colour scheme of the writing is black and gold and Williams clothing matches this colour scheme, this makes the article seem fresh and sophisticated. The main text is black on white but there is a quote that is made to stand out which is white text on a black background. There is one block of text which makes the article look easy to read and not daunting, which will be more appealing to the audience rather than if the page was full of text. The double page spread is simplistic but classy and the famous artist which they have interviewed will entice lots of people to read the article and buy the magazine.   

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